Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Watching My Mind Move From Fear to Love

I recently read an article about Global Warming that claimed the planet would experience total devastation by the year 2100.

I watched my mind move from Fear to Love.

Fear did a quick calculation and said, "Oh, I'll be ok; I won't be around by then."

Then Love spoke and said "But what about those you leave behind?"

Fear keeps us small under the guise of protecting us, but it has no real power.  It is only Love that has true power to create change in our lives.

From A Course in Love:
Love is the name you give to much you fear,  You think that it is possible to choose it as a means to buy your safety and security.  You thus have defined love was a reaction to fear.  This is why you can understand love as fear's opposite. This is true enough. But because you have not properly recognized fear as nothing, you have not properly recognized love as everything.

My invitation to you this week is to watch your mind and listen to how it responds to things.  The voice of Fear will be loud and seem to provide logical solutions.  The voice of Love will be more subtle and will remind you of who you truly want to be in this world.

Happy Harvesting!

1 comment:

  1. 2 things, 1. I recently read that the way to overcome fear is to shift your perception a physical person to identifying yourself as the creator experiencing and learning through the perception of everything and everyone. A big step for my relatively limited perceptions. On the other hand there is an idea that all fear is an opportunity to follow the path of reactions to it's past origins. Then give love and compassion to and for the younger you, because let's face it unless your here and now it will always be a younger you. But this is off topic. Resolve the feeling not the situation and move forward carrying that newly found peace back to now. At this time this point of view makes more sense to me. And yes I do realize much of our habits are ingrained into our very soul and much of what we do or lean towards has a lot to do with that influence. But since I consider myself a simple man I will stick to this lifetime.


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