Monday, January 28, 2019

Don't Mistake Avoidance for Enlightenment

or Building a Life Grounded in Truth Part 2

This week we are considering how to use spiritual laws in our lives.
"We are in the world and of it and it is good that this is so".  
 Ernest Holmes, Science of Mind pg 56.2

Dr. Holmes goes on to say the world is ok when we view it correctly.  

I think it is easy to interpret "viewing it correctly" as choosing only to see what we individually label as good.  But when we do that, are we in the world and of it or are we trying to rise above it so that it doesn’t touch us? Honestly, only you can answer this question.  

Holmes is clear that “we will not refuse to help the helpless or lift up the fallen, but we will refuse to wallow in the mud because of our sympathies”.  This takes skill building.  

Do not think that just because you don’t experience something that it does not exist.  And please don’t mistake your avoidance for your enlightenment.  It takes the skills of self awareness and alignment to recognize which state we are in; and the two go hand in hand as we practice mindfully being present in the world and with each other.

Maybe correctly viewing the world's state of affairs or a friends challenges means that we acknowledge the situation, and then rather than immediately praying it away, we pause long enough to stand in love and see the human condition that now exists in the human experience so that we can walk through it and into a greater wholeness.

Reflection Practice

Consider what is grabbing your attention this week?  Can you mindfully be present with what comes up long enough to see what this situation is bringing up for you?  Take a few minutes to investigate your feelings.  Go beneath the feelings and allow your inner wisdom to guide you to what wants to be known by you, why is this situation or person grabbing your attention?  Journal or contemplate this and see what you discover about yourself?

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